Our coffee is Spella, roasted here in Portland 12 pounds at a time. Our tea is local Steven Smith, our chai comes from Metolius Tea here in Oregon.
Our biscuits are homemade with pure butter, our sausage gravy is stirred up from scratch. We fry our own corn chips and make our own refried beans. We roast and peel our poblano peppers in house and make the salsa for the burritos. Our pancakes are homemade, our syrup is real maple syrup. Our oats and muesli come locally from Bob’s Red Mill.
Our bread is baked by the local bakery Dos Hermanos. Our bagels are made locally at Bowery Bagels. Our orange and grapefruit juices are squeezed in house everyday. There are no microwaves in our kitchen.
And it isn’t just our ingredients that are the best, our people are the best, too. Come check out what real feels like.